Renascence & Wick | GF Smith Paper | Wick Candle Boutique


Ever the perfectionist. We concluded our soft launch from November to February. Since then we have reworked the Jonathan Ward packaging. Instead of printing solid colour on white stock we opted for a pre-flooded pulp by GF Smith. This prevents cracking at the corner of each box (for any budding packaging designer this is something to watch out for). We lifted the logo to have more retail visual appeal and we added our fragrance stories to the side of each box. Small changes but visually worth the effort as the new box is stunning.

Our fragrances remain the same but have been lifted and modified to improve fragrance throw as the organic wax is tricky. The final results being where I wanted them, I was ready to start to reach out. And last Thursday we saw our first account outside of Cheshire and London. The beautiful ladies at Wick Candle Boutique have created a secret den of beautifully select home fragrance brands to choose from and we are now included. Very exciting indeed.

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This was followed by inclusion the next day in a beautiful and tremendously upscale purveyor of fine goods Renascence in London's opulent Chelsea. The boys behind Renascence have been avid Jonathan Ward fans for years, so it made perfect sense to include them in their beautiful space.

And if we can make it a triptych, tomorrow we have quite an important meeting in Marylebone. More to come on that ...